Sunday 15 July 2007

A little bit OCD

My sharing this experience will stop many of you in your tracks, I promise you it will.

At the till in Tescos, having driven the tangle of environmentally friendly bags five minutes down the road for their daily outing to the shops, I scanned the queues to the left and right. I was the only person (nutter) trying to wrestle with my own bags. Rather than keep this thought to myself I was compelled to announce to the cashier and then loudly to the bloke next to me that it struck me as '...just a little bit bloody OCD bringing all these bags with me...'.

Embarrassed looks all-round, not least from my husband. He then spent the car journey home telling me just how strange I had looked in the past few months on my one-obsessive-woman crusade to save the planet using two huge orange and green canvas bags which cannot be lifted once full of shopping.

I now have visons of staff on teabreaks sitting around weeing themselves watching Tesco TV's new series (think Easyjet's Airline ), Wrestling with Big Bags, Highlights from the Shopfloor

Next time you are out there being ecofreak remember this, you are being watched.

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