Friday 6 July 2007

Wind and colours

Poppies earlier this week in the garden before the wind

Every plant in the garden over the height of about 8 inches is getting blown over, this doesn't stop me being amazed by the array of wild colours. Colours put together by humans often screech and look nasty, yet naturally in the garden, purple can be next to red, blue and pink with green all around and it looks fabulous. Little tiny cuttings and mangy looking plants have turned into beasts with flowers and smells - amazing. The petunias we grew did nothing but the sunflowers are 7ft tall and flowering, sweet peas are weaving their way up the bean stems, the roses grown from cuttings pinched from other gardens are in bloom and something called Nolana is producing lame leaves but a mass of wide blue bell-shaped fowers with yellow winking middles. I have to ask myself why, when I grew up with parents running a nursery, when I could see the amazing power in a painting, was I completely disinterested in the magic and beauty that develops in the garden? Teenage apathy I reckon!

Workwise, I have to get the editorial into some kind of shape for the Continence Review magazine, quarterly and 40 pages long it always takes ages to knock into shape. One of my self-assumed - in the name of making incontinence more popular-culture - tasks with this one is sourcing appropriate pics: a tangle of hoses for a catheter article; a huddle of emos for a teenage incontinence article...The Continence Foundation bods are good to work with and when it actually morphs in to a magazine I always feel proud. Then this afternoon I am off to see Linda Crane who runs Shropshire Autistic Supporters - a dame formidable!

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