Tuesday 17 February 2009

If you see a door, go through it

Insignificant words last heard on a trip to Florence? Possibly not.

A group of friends and I peered through the enticing door of an artists’ studio. Sensing a missed opportunity about to happen, I wooshed us all inside with the words, ‘If you see a door go through it’. Using our best 'Engtalian' we learned that the inhabitant, Clet Abraham, is a well-known Italian commercial artist whose etchings and paintings are astounding, showing fine control and technical ability. Had we not gone through the door we would not have been inspired by his craft.

So, could this be a phrase to live by, a way of life? A metaphorical opportunity for growth in our times?

How many times a day or indeed in an hour do we hear how miserable our economy is, how this will in turn make us miserable as people, poorer in spirit and so it follows, lacking in ideas? Well, I want to tell you something you already know….repeating phrases, hearing and re-hearing the same bad news does indeed engender a feeling of helplessness. As long as we continue to perpetuate the ‘terrible times’ theme there will surely enough be ‘terrible times’. So, quite reasonably, actually definitely, the reverse is true.

Since as early as 2003 we as a business had been predicting a hard kick for the many who had been living on credit and 'fairytale projections'. I have no idea what the future will hold but to be very honest I never have and 'the beginning' or as it is also known 'the present' has to contain a bit more honesty and fulsome behaviour. We're all in this together.

In suggesting that the current economic climate is an opportunity I am in no way proposing taking advantage of others’ misfortune. As business owners we are largely in the same situation as we were before February 2008 when many of us will recall the first utterings of misery and pervading of doom. For many years as business people we have had to ‘invent’ our own work, chase in late payments, drum up enthusiasm for our products and services…here lies the key. Why is now any different? Now is time to use these skills and gee-up those around us, to squash this sad negative state with feelings of optimism.

The opportunity for us is to draw upon our strengths as the providers of our own future and to work together to promote a more positive outlook. The choice is stark: Join the self-fulfilling media bandwagon of misery or do as we do best and use our positivity and enginuity to spread the word that all is not dis-ease and discord.

I suggest that to travel forwards as businesses we all need to promote our fantastic products and services and never utter the words ‘recession’ and ‘downturn’ again. We need to bolster confidence by talking positively and truthfully. The climate is very wrong for the kind of bull marketing we have previously seen. No consumer wants to have to fight for a good price - they expect one. What is needed now is great service, great products with longevity, good advice and a smile – always a smile.

So what can I do?
Turn the news off - no one needs half-hourly-business-killing-sensational-tripe, once a day is enough and only when it is countered with positive action
Highlight your strengths, be the expert in your field
Offer great prices all the time
Have clarity and quality in your marketing
Talk up the longevity and stability of your business
Offer client testimonials
Join a 'nice' networking group - they do not have to be torture. I'm not one of those banging-on about networking people, read this about Networking for the Terrified
Use email newsletters and blogs to promote your positive outlook
Ongoing price reductions devalue your business – don’t do it
And… 'If you see a door, go through it’


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