Thursday 2 April 2009

More drawings on the wall

Off to the Bear Steps Gallery in Shrewsbury yesterday to hang three more drawings in the exhibition which I have there until 9th April. This is a gallery run by the Shrewsbury Civic Society, the work which shows there is varied from local watercolours and oils to cartoons by Steve Bell which will be showing as part of the Shrewsbury Cartoon Festival in April. Not sure my work is quite in the vein of what usually hangs on the walls but it's getting a very good reception so far.

From a business point of view the Bear Steps exhibition is a great opportunity to show how my drawings are developing and to invite other gallery owners to see what I am doing now. With this in mind I contacted Down to Earth Gallery in Whitchurch, Shropshire to ask if they would like to take the drawings when the show finishes on April 9th.
Down to Earth Gallery is in what used to be craft units next to the Heritage Centre in the market town of Whitchurch, Bridget and Phil Rogers a garden designer and contemporary metal sculptor opened the gallery in one unit last year. Phil and Bridget's selection of unusual, beautiful contemporary British artwork has been a great hit and they have recently expanded to take in another unit. I was in the first tranche of artists to show there and am very pleased to be going back between 11th April and 7th May.
It's all go, with the flowers coming out and pens at the ready it would seem like time to draw...

Carla Boulton, Artist

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